Inhalt Hub


Access your LearnWise AI assistant in ScreenSteps for instant answers about courses and the platform.


ScreenSteps ist eine führende Knowledge-Ops-Plattform, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihr betriebliches Wissen zu zentralisieren und zu rationalisieren. LearnWise AI hebt ScreenSteps auf die nächste Stufe, indem KI-gesteuerter Support direkt in Ihre bestehenden ScreenSteps-Seiten integriert wird, sodass Benutzer sofortige, kontextbezogene Antworten erhalten, ohne durch Artikel navigieren zu müssen. Durch die Kombination der leistungsstarken Inhaltsorganisation von ScreenSteps mit der KI-Interaktivität reduziert LearnWise die Frustration und steigert die Effizienz von Studenten, Lehrkräften und Mitarbeitern.

Wie es funktioniert


1. AI-Powered Knowledge Access:

  • LearnWise AI retrieves and interprets content from your ScreenSteps knowledge base to answer user questions quickly and accurately.
  • Example Scenario: A student struggling with financial aid forms asks LearnWise AI for help and is guided through the process using relevant ScreenSteps content.

2. Integrated AI Assistant:

  • Embed LearnWise AI on ScreenSteps pages with a floating button that provides instant support without users leaving the page.
  • Example Scenario: Faculty accessing complex policy guides on ScreenSteps can quickly clarify specific points with the AI assistant.

3. Guided Self-Service:

  • Encourage self-service by helping users engage with knowledge articles conversationally, saving them time and reducing support loads.
  • Example Scenario: A new hire navigating ScreenSteps training modules can ask LearnWise AI for definitions or further clarifications, ensuring a smoother onboarding process.

How It Works:

1. Pulling Content from ScreenSteps:

  • LearnWise AI connects to your ScreenSteps knowledge base to access articles, troubleshooting guides, SOPs, and other resources.
  • Content is retrieved and displayed conversationally based on user queries.

2. Embedded AI Support:

  • The AI assistant integrates directly onto ScreenSteps pages as a floating button, allowing users to ask questions without interrupting their workflow.
  • The assistant provides article links or extracts specific sections to ensure users get the right information quickly.

3. Contextual Interaction:

  • LearnWise AI understands where the user is within the ScreenSteps platform and provides tailored responses based on the current topic or page.

4. Improved Efficiency:

  • By surfacing information conversationally, LearnWise reduces the time users spend searching for and interpreting content, making knowledge hubs more effective.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Seamless Integration: LearnWise AI enhances your existing ScreenSteps setup without disrupting workflows, embedding directly into your knowledge hub. Interactive Knowledge Delivery: Transform static knowledge articles into interactive, conversational experiences that users can access instantly. Faster Resolutions: Help users solve problems in real-time, reducing support backlogs and increasing productivity. Enhanced Knowledge Ops: Combine the structure of ScreenSteps with the intelligence of LearnWise AI to create a robust, efficient support system.

Vereinheitlichen und rationalisieren Sie Ihre internen Supportprozesse.

Steigern Sie das Engagement und die Effizienz an Ihrer Universität, indem Sie alle wichtigen EdTech-Tools mit LearnWise verbinden.

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